Friday, May 21, 2010

Guess what
My goal this week was to try harder and to watch what I say and not get smart to people this week I achieved only trying harder this week by learning to think of the positives.
This week I have played hockey, basketball have done some reading of a cool book, teck, spelling.
So what
This week I have learnt about time management and how to use your time effectively .and this will help me forever.
Now what
My goal for next week is to try and use self control.

Friday, May 14, 2010

my weekly reflition

Guess what
This week my goal was to think about what I say I did not achieve this but know that I will next week.
This week I have not done much i have done writing, reading, hockey, basketball and that about all.
So what
This week i have learnt about time words and how lots have to do with time like long, till, instantly and many more.
Now what
Next week my goal is to try harder and think before i speak and learn to not get smart to people.

Multiplication and Division Pre Unit

for maths i am work at stage 6

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

in reading i am working on cloze reading .here is how i am going so far

Friday, May 7, 2010

Guess what
This week goal was to be more positive and communicate with other in class and groups. I Feel I have achieved this by telling people what I think but in a nice manner.
This week I have played bullrush, basketball, hockey I have done writing challenges, reading, and lots of maths and I learnt about myths.
So what
This week I have learnt about communicating with others this has helped me to share my work and that has made it a little bit better.
Now what
Next week my goal is to think more about what I say

what is your favourite takeaways

